Movement & Teleporting
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MOVEMENT: MOUSE = Change Direction / Perspective W = Move Forward S = Move Backwards A = Strafe Left D = Strafe Right CONTROL = Hold to Sprint SHIFT = Crouch ESC = Minecraft Options E = Inventory or Creative Mode Options T = Text Chat F5 = Change Camera Perspective F2 = Screenshot F3 = Show Coordinates SPACE = Jump DOUBLE TAP SPACE = Fly (Creative Mode Only) WARPING AROUND WHITE SANDS: Currently, players can warp directly to Public Destinations, Villas, and Islets while in-game. Hit "T" to bring up the chat window and then type a command found in the Your Travel Guide. TELEPORT TO OTHERS: Currently, players can port directly to each other while in-game. Hit "T" to bring up the chat window and then type /tpa, space, and then the name of the player. This player will then receive a message asking them to type /tpaccept in order to allow the teleport.