Voice Chat & Music Broadcasting
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VOICE CHAT: When you enter White Sands you'll see a message in chat inviting you to join the voice chat server.
If the message disappears, type "T" to bring the text screen back. Press "T" while the text is open to use your mouse cursor and click the [CLICK ON ME] text. You'll be prompted to open a separate browser window. Click Yes.
You'll be shown a screen with a green Activate Session button. Click it.
Finally click Join Voice Chat on the subsequent screen. Keep this browser window open on the side of Minecraft. You'll now be able to voice chat with anyone in proximity of your avatar inside of White Sands! MUSIC BROADCASTING:
To Connect: type /audio into the chat and follow the instructions above to connect to the audio client - Select the music feature from the - My Properties Menu and click enter a new song. - Paste a URL to a song in the chat (recommend using Soundcloud or YouTube). - Music will automatically loop on your plot and all guests connected to the audio client will hear the music in sync. - To create a playlist, enter the songs like this ["song1","song2"].